The Importance of Preventative Medicine and Vaccinating Your Pets

Vaccinations are very important for your pet’s health. The right vaccines will protect your pets from many dangerous diseases, such as Lyme Disease and rabies. If your pet is not vaccinated, he or she could end up exposed to very dangerous diseases. Anyone with pets in the greater Houston area should visit us at Memorial Town and Country Animal Clinic for a pet exam and any needed vaccinations.

Preventative Medicine and Vaccinations Are Vital

When it comes to pet health, preventative care is often the best care. By preventing illnesses, you can help ensure that your pet is comfortable and that you don’t have to pay for expensive and invasive veterinary treatment.

Further, some diseases, like rabies, are almost always fatal without vaccination. If your pet contracts rabies, he or she may need to be put to sleep. However, by making sure your pet gets regular rabies shots, you may be able to prevent them from contracting rabies in the first place.

Vaccinations for pets typically fall into two categories: core and non-core vaccines. Core vaccines are vaccinations every pet should get irrespective of their lifestyles, living situations, and other risk factors. Rabies is one core vaccine for cats, dogs, and other pets.

Some other core dog vaccines include:

  • Canine parvovirus
  • Canine hepatitis
  • Distemper

Some core cat vaccines include:

  • Feline calicivirus
  • Panleukopenia
  • Feline herpesvirus type I

Core vaccines are very important for pets and are often required by government authorities. Many animals should also get “non-core” vaccines. Whether your cat or dog should get these vaccinations typically depends on their lifestyles, living situations, and other risk factors. Our vet can help you determine which non-core vaccines are appropriate for your pets.

For example, dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors in wooded areas should probably get the Lyme Disease vaccine. Lyme Disease is very dangerous and is spread by ticks. If your dog lives in the city and doesn’t spend a lot of time outside, a Lyme Disease vaccine may not be as important.

If you live in the greater Houston area and have questions about pet vaccines, contact us at Memorial Town and Country Animal Clinic to talk with our vet!