Since you are with your pet every day, you will probably notice even the slightest change in its behavior. Observation is a simple way of detecting potential pet problems that may lead to serious health issues. Just like humans, eyes play an important role in your pet’s life. As such, looking for signs of eye infections in pets is vital for vision preservation and even maintaining your pet's general well-being.

Having your pet’s eyes checked regularly is vital. At Memorial Town and Country Animal Clinic in Houston, TX, we offer a wide range of pet services, including pet optometry. When you visit, we will examine your pet's eyes to rule out any infections and other eye diseases.

Checking for Eye Infections

Eye infections in pets are common. Although an eye infection is not life-threatening, it can deteriorate your pet's quality of life if left unattended. For example, it can affect your pet’s eyesight and cause discomfort and pain. Worse still, if not treated, the infection can progress rapidly and even lead to sight loss.

Eye infections can be due to several causes. Some of them include allergies, bacteria, viruses, foreign matter, and parasites. To tell whether your pet has an eye infection or not, look out for the following signs:

  • Redness: Your pet's eyes will appear redder or pinker than normal.
  • Squinting: If you notice increased blinking in your pet, it could have an eye infection. You should also look out for light sensitivity.
  • Discharge: If your pet's eyes are watering or leaking more than usual, there could be a problem. Yellow, white, or green-colored discharge from the eyes is also a clear indication of an eye infection.
  • Pawing at the eye: Pawing at the eye could indicate pain or itchiness due to an eye infection.

Contact Our Veterinarians 

If you suspect that your pet has an eye infection, it is important to bring it to our clinic right away for pet eyecare. We can prevent the condition from worsening or even causing blindness. Our veterinary experts can offer treatments for eye infections, including eye drops and medications. At Memorial Town and Country Animal Clinic in Houston, TX, our goal is to keep your pet happy and healthy. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, call us today.